Say the words “kingdom” and “revolution” and you’ll probably get different pictures in your mind.
For example, consider “kingdom.” For some, there’s the “Kingdom of Imagination.” The map shows a fantasy land nestled between the Land of Fairies, the Kingdom of Wonder, the Kingdom of One Hundred Stories, and Magic City.
If you are a biologist, you might think of “kingdom” divided three ways: the animal kingdom, the vegetable kingdom, and the mineral kingdom into which natural organisms and objects are classified.
If you are involved in the science of taxonomy, you would think of “kingdom” as the highest level of classification into which organisms are grouped.
And since we’re talking about organisms, want to impress your friends with your vast storehouse of knowledge? Tell them that organisms are traditionally classified into three domains and further subdivided into one of six kingdoms of life: archaebacteria, eubacteria, protista, fungi, plantae, and animalia. (Source:
By the way, in the entertainment world, you might be familiar with the title Kingdom given in three different television series—British, American, and Korean. As a matter of fact, you’ll find that the word Kingdom is found in many other resources—television, music, other media, and even in persons’ names.
If you are a politician or a member of a royal family, you would think of “kingdom” as the sovereign territory in which you serve or reign. Speaking of which…
In our modern day, few kingdoms remain where they are ruled absolutely by a monarch or king. Most other kingdoms have constitutional monarchies with kings or queens that ceremonially act as heads of state. For example, the new monarch of England, King Charles III, is now the official head of state while the nation continues to be governed by parliament and a prime minister.
When you hear the word “revolution,” what comes to mind? Do you think of political revolts that cause sudden changes in the power and organizational structure of governments? Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind for Americans is, “The Revolutionary War” (1775-1783).
Or, do you think of social revolutions that end up changing the culture, philosophy, and technology of a society? You might think of the civil rights movement in the 1950’s and 60’s, for example. Around that time, the so-called “sexual revolution” also took place.
But then there are also economic revolutions that may or may not be the result of political or social revolutions. For example, the Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries created major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, and transportation as cited in Wikipedia.
Wikipedia reports how the Industrial Revolution had a profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions starting in the United Kingdom then subsequently spreading throughout Europe, North America, and eventually the world. The onset of the Industrial Revolution marked a major turning point in the human history; almost every aspect of daily life was eventually affected in some way.
This is what revolutions do: Whether for the better or the worse, they change things. They change history. And they have a profound effect on the way people live, think, and behave not only in the past and present, but in the future, as well.
For my purposes in presenting this subject, I am applying the terms “kingdom” and “revolution” in a biblical sense. There are some common comparative concepts that come to mind when I refer to “kingdom” and “revolution” in view of the Bible. As I share references to this effect, you will probably find some similar ideas according to their meaning and descriptions.
But there is one major difference between modern usage and biblical usage of these words. The “Kingdom Revolution” according to God’s inspired Word is based on divine inspiration. In other words, the Kingdom Revolution is not a human philosophy or movement, but a plan that God has established ever since the beginning of time.
From the time of creation, the Almighty God has had a plan that includes a Kingdom Revolution—a revolution that will ultimately change the entire world—and not only that, the entire universe. It is a plan that will permanently alter the course of history for all time.
For the Bible says God will intervene in the affairs of humanity and create radical changes politically, socially, and economically. That’s why I call it “Kingdom Revolution,” for it will cover the entire earth and, once it is established, it will never end.
This is unlike any human revolution that has ever taken place in world history. And once God has set up his Kingdom, there will never be another one like it again. It will be “an everlasting Kingdom.”
To whet your appetite about this Kingdom, here is what Daniel the Prophet wrote,
Daniel 727 Then the sovereignty, the dominion, and the greatness of all the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be given to the people of the saints of the Highest One; His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all the empires will serve and obey Him. (New American Standard Bible, NASB)
This key verse tells us several things about the Kingdom Revolution and the results—namely, where it will be, how much territory it will cover, who it will be given to, who will rule it and how all the nations will ultimately submit to him, and how long it will last.
In coming posts, I will be covering these items in closer detail…
- We will take a Bible survey of the Kingdom of God from Genesis to Revelation.
- We will take a look at two covenants that primarily apply to the background of the Kingdom Revolution.
- I will share many Bible prophecies in both the Old and New Testaments that discuss future events connected with the Kingdom Revolution.
- We will especially cover what Jesus himself said about the coming Kingdom, as well as what the early Church believed and taught.
- In addition to all of this, we’ll address this important subject like a news reporter by asking what, when, where, how, who, and why according to what the Bible says about the Kingdom.
Ready or not, the Kingdom Revolution is coming! Are you ready for it? Stay tuned…
Good News to YOU!
Pastor Michael
P.S. Jesus’ prayer included God’s coming Kingdom. Here’s Chris Jackson singing, “Let Your Kingdom Come,” by Sovereign Grace Music,